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How we work: 

What are the Apprenticeship Standards 

The Apprenticeship Standards were introduced in 2017, designed by Trailblazer groups of employers who identified the need for relevant and challenging work- based training programmes. The Apprenticeship Standards have been designed to boost the skillsets of learners across diverse roles and sectors, equipping them with the Skills, Knowledge and Behaviours required to thrive in a specific career. 

Apprenticeship funding 

In England Apprenticeship Standards can be funded via the Employer’s apprenticeship levy or through a process known as ‘co-investment’ depending on the company’s size. 
All employers who wish to utilise their Apprenticeship Levy or access co-investment funding must contract with a training provider that has been approved by the Register of Approved Training Providers (RoATP)/APAR. 
Lindens UK Provider Reference number is: 10027616 

Apprenticeship terms explained 

DAS- Digital Apprenticeship Service 

The Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) is an ESFA managed web platform designed to help apprentice employers manage their apprenticeship account. Functions include management of current apprentices, adding/approving new apprentices, payments to training providers, funding reservations and claiming incentive payments. All employers must have a DAS account in order to employ an Apprentice. 
Create an account to manage apprenticeships 

End-point Assessment (EPA) 

End-point assessment (EPA) is the final stage of an apprenticeship. It is an impartial assessment of whether your apprentice has developed the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the apprenticeship standard. 

'Off the job' training requirement (OTJ) 

Off-the-job training is an essential part of any apprenticeship. It strengthens the practical skills apprentices gain at work. Linden’s apprenticeships combine various learning methods to create a tailored experience for both the apprentice and the employer, ensuring all training requirements are met and the apprentice is supported throughout.